Exhibition "From the chest of children's creativity"
This Saturday, the 24th. 09.2022. organized by DND Kumrovec, the 20th children's art colony was held on the premises of the Museum "Staro selo" Kumrovec.
In order to mark the jubilee 20th year of the continuous holding of children's art colonies in the exhibition space of the Museum "Staro selo" Kumrovec, a retrospective exhibition of children's art works entitled "From the chest of children's creativity" by the author of the museum advisor and museum pedagogue Tatjana Brlek was opened. The lower preparer Božidar Iveković is responsible for the technical setup.
The exhibition presents children's works that were created over the past 20 years at children's art colonies in Kumrovec and which were inspired by the beauty of Hrvatski Zagorje and the Museum "Staro selo" Kumrovec. In addition to beautiful children's artistic expressions inspired by the motifs of castles and traditional architecture, old crafts, children's wooden toys, traditional embroidery,... the exhibition also testifies to the cooperation of the "Our Children" Society from the area of Krapina-Zagorje County.
This commendable project of children's art colonies took place thanks to numerous members of the "Our Children" Society from the County, especially the "Our Children" Society from Kumrovec, and the support of the Krapina-Zagorje County, the Municipality of Kumrovec and the MHZ Museum "Staro selo" Kumrovec.
The exhibition will be open until October 7, 2022.