Exhibition „Man and nature“ is opened in the Museum „Staro selo“ Kumrovec

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On the occasion of celebrating European Heritage Day, the exhibition „Man and Nature was opened at the Museum “ Staro selo„Kumrovec on Friday, October 11, 2024. Croatian Zagorje in the new century“ Museum of Peasant Revolts, authored by Lidija Kelemen.

The exhibition shows the transformation of the relationship between nature and man from the 16th to the 19th century in the historical area of Hrvatski Zagorje through several thematic units. Using various pictorial and written materials, the impact of natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, fires, famines, epidemics) and climate change on the daily life of the Zagorje peasant is presented. The year 1880 was especially presented when Zagorece, after great floods, was badly damaged by the Zagreb earthquake.

In addition to various economic branches (agriculture, viticulture, animal husbandry, fishing, forestry, industry), the exhibition also presented measures by which man tried to control natural disasters. According to Lalangue's instructions from the 18th century, the cultivation of potatoes was evoked, and the tools used by the peasants were also presented. The multimedia model shows changes in the development of the relationship between the settlement and the environment in the Stubička region, while various pictorial sources (maps, views, graphics, postcards) testify to the changes in their relationship in the rest of Zagorje.

The influence of folk beliefs on the daily life of modern man is represented by calendars and theological works that testify to miracles through the intercession of the Mother of God. The replica of the Hrašćina meteorite, whose fall in 1751 caused stormy reactions from the local population, who thought it was the arrival of Judgment Day, is particularly on display. With different examples that interpret the relationship between man and nature, the exhibition encourages visitors to develop everything about the value of preserving natural heritage, but also the influence of nature on every human life.

The exhibition was presented by the author, curator Lidija Kelemen, and opened by the director of the Museum of Croatian Zagorje, Jurica Sabol. Anita Paun-Gadža, head of the Museum „Staro selo“ Kumrovec and Ph.D. addressed those present at the opening. Hrvoje Petrić, who said that it is the first exhibition in Croatia that presents the relationship between man and the environment in a certain region.

Maja Miklažić Vahtarić performed in the appropriate music program accompanied by Vid Kotarski. The exhibition can be viewed in the Museum „Staro selo“ Kumrovec until December 8, 2024.