Glass and story about glass

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Because the tradition of glass making in Hrvatsko Zagorje is a long one, the exhibition is a story of sorts, a story about glass and its interpretation in everyday life. The processes of free-blowing and mould-blowing are displayed, as are original glass products and the process of designing the glass exhibits.

The glass making tradition in Hrvatsko Zagorje is over 150 years old. There used to be at least one glass maker in each municipality. Some 20 years ago the glass making tradition in Hrvatsko Zagorje began to disappear, and the only remaining artisans are found in the municipalities of Desinić and Hum na Sutli. The Municipality of Hum na Sutli is known as a "municipality of glass making tradition", which is home to the best known glass factory, Vetropack Straža, the moving force of the economic development in the area.

Exhibition author: Anita Paun-Gadža