A magical circle - a wonderful world of supernatural beings from the traditional beliefs of Podravina

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In the Museum "Staro selo" Kumrovec on Saturday 4.6. In 2022, the exhibition of the Museum of the City of Koprivnica was opened under the name Magical circle - the wonderful world of supernatural beings from the traditional beliefs of Podravina, authored by Ivo Lulić. This intriguing exhibition is the first such artistic and ethnographic exhibition, which combines the seemingly incompatible: artistic photography and oral tradition.

The natural beauty of Podravina, its natural diversity and untouched nature, among other things, encouraged the author to create a cycle of artistic photographs inspired by tradition. It is a new unusual exhibition of intangible phenomena that were staged by the inhabitants of Podravina in artistic photographs. Through the collaboration of artists and ethnologists, you can find out where wild people lived, what kind of Podravina villas and coprnice are, and meet the other protagonists of the wonderful world.

At the opening, the director of the city of Koprivnica, Romert Činim, addressed everyone present, then the exhibition was presented by the author Iva Lulić and expert associate ethnologist Marija Mesarić. The mayor of the municipality of Kumrovec, Rober Šplajt, praised this museum cooperation and declared the exhibition open.