Exibition of Museum „Staro selo“ Kumrovec in Strmol Castle in Rogatac

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As part of international and inter-museum cooperation, on Saturday, February 17, 2024, in Strmol Castle, Rogatac, the exhibition „Križevi krajputaši and Easter customs of the Sutlan region was opened,“ by museum advisor and pedagogue Tatjana Brlek. The exhibition presents crosses and chapels from the parishes of Sutlanska Poljana, Zagorska Sela and Tuhelj. In addition to the photo-documentary representation of smaller sacred, folk buildings, visitors were also presented with sculptures by Milan Juranić made using the papier mache technique. The exhibition also shows the Easter customs of the Sutlan region. The presentation of customs starts from the powdery mildew until the Easter holiday itself, where part of the Museum's Easter Collection „Staro selo“ Kumrovec is presented. During the opening of the exhibition, members of the Society „Naša djec“ along with Biserka Krajcar presented the production of creppapir flowers with which crucifixes were decorated.

At the ceremonial opening, the guests present were greeted by senior advisor and head of the Museum on simple Rogatec, Mrs. Nives Brezovnik and head of the Museum „Staro selo“ Kumrovec Anita Paun-Gadža, who referred to the long-term cooperation of two museums „Museums on simple Rogatec“ and Museum „Staro selo“ Kumrovec. The author Tatjana Brlek spoke about the exhibition, and the exhibition was opened by the prefect Mr. Martin Mikolič.

The exhibition can be viewed in Strmol Castle until April 1, 2024. years.