Opening of the exhibition „Kinč in folk customs“ as part of the Zagorje wedding event
On Saturday, June 15, 2024, the exhibition „Kinč in folk customs“ was opened in the Museum „Staro selo“ Kumrovec as part of the Zagorian wedding event.
The program started with the workshop „Wedding kinč“, where wreaths and wedding tassels were made.
After the thematic workshop, the exhibition „Kinč in folk customs “ by the author Božica Lacković, a self-taught artist who, with her first solo exhibition through crepe paper flowers and a selected ethnic collection, represents the heritage of the Andraševec settlement, from which she originates, but also of the whole of Zagorje, was opened. In addition to the kinč, the author of the exhibition also presented a wedding cake from Andraševac, which the young women shared when they left their birthplace as a greeting to their loved ones, but also when they came to the bride's house to get to know his family. This wedding cake is protected in Oroslavje as a cultural asset of local importance.
All those present at the opening were greeted by the head of the museum "Staro selo" Kumrovec, Anita Paun-Gadža, the author Božica Lacković spoke about the exhibition itself, and a few words about the „Zagorska svadb“ were presented by the author of the program and expert associate of the Municipality of Kumrovec, Danijela Lončar. The exhibition was opened by the deputy prefect of Krapina –Zagorje County, Jasna Petek.
After the opening of the exhibition, visitors could enjoy the Zagorje wedding program performed by the Zipka Ethno Association and students of the Josip Broz Elementary School from Kumrovac, who presented the wedding segment - masquerades.
Throughout the day, visitors could also get to know the presenters of traditional crafts.
The exhibition will remain open until the end of the summer.