Opening of the Museum's guest exhibition from Open air museum Rogatec „Donačka gora“
On Saturday 13.04.2024. at 4:30 p.m. in the Museum „Staro selo“ Kumrovec, we are planning to open guest exhibition „Donačka gora“ from open air museum Rogatec.
The inter-museum exchange of exhibitions was achieved thanks to an approved program that was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media within the framework of the inter-museum and international exchange of exhibitions.
The exhibition „Donačka gora“ will present to the public the geographical, biological, ethnographic and historical peculiarities of the mountain located in the eastern part of Slovenia, near Rogatac. The special feature of the guest exhibition at the Museum „Staro selo“ Kumrovec is the fact that this year marks the 170th anniversary of the first organized hiking trail in Slovenia, which is located on Donačka gora, and was created thanks to doctor Ernst Hilarijus Froelich, who discovered the positive effects of walking with guests who stayed at the Rogaška Slatina spa.
The exhibition remains open until June 1, 2024.