Relay of youth - a symbol of time
The exhibition Relay of Youth - a symbol of time, by Vlatka Filipčić Maligec, was opened on May 25, 2018 in the birthplace of Josip Broz.
The exhibition Relay of Youth - a symbol of time, by Vlatka Filipčić Maligec, was opened on May 25, 2018 in the birthplace of Josip Broz.
The exhibition talks about the former forbidden theme of underwear. In addition to old photos and traditional original material, contemporary underwear made of petticoats, overalls, bras, socks, halters was also presented.
Because the tradition of glass making in Hrvatsko Zagorje is a long one, the exhibition is a story of sorts, a story about glass and its interpretation in everyday life.
The exhibition is designed according to its units: A brief history of tobacco in which the meaning of tobacco in pre-Columbian America is dealt with and its spread throughout the world.